She's confused sweetie. She doesn't want to leave him and I'm sure she won't but you have to act like you don't want her. If there is any chance of you ever really getting her attention- the best thing you can do is schedule time with your friends, study, and keep busy. Do not call her, do not write her, do not send text messages. If she persists in flirting with you, tell her you like her a lot but you will not be taken for a fool. She has to decide between you and your friend. If she doesn't immediately break up with him- forget about her. If she does not continue to flirt with you after you ignore her completely- forget about her. If she sees how much she misses you when you are not around and decides that she wants to be with you- maybe you can work something out together. Don't forget though- if she goes behind your friend's back like this- she will probably do the same thing to you so be extremely careful.I need your advice about a girl?
unless her current bf is abusing her ( and if he is then you need to support her and tell someone!!!!), then you need to back out of this game shes playing. I know its hard but she's not playing fair and the more you hope the more its going to to hurt if she disses you again.
ignore her, if she really likes you shell lleave him for you. shes using you, and tormenting with you, in the end, your friend will think ur then one who wanted to date her and she was the innocent one. so, just play 'hard to get' and if she really likes you she wont continue being with both of you.
answer me please!;鈥?/a>
she's not going to leave her boyfriend. i've seen this situation too many times to count. she's not the one waiting around for anything. she has her boyfriend/ your friend and you wrapped around her finger of course she's not going to do anything to mess that up.
she just doesn't want to make it seem like that in front of her bf. but yeah...she wants you too she just need to get rid of her current bf and stop playing that game w/ you.
Go after someone who is single and who is especially not dating your friend.
I would let your friend know what she's doing because she seems to like playing mind games and she's on the verge of being disloyal.. in a weird way
i think she is teasing you but even if she is not a girl is never worth more than a friend
hope it works out
she's trying to spoil ur relation with ur friend! by showing him that u flirt with her, obviously ur friend will have problem with it and wont like u. ask her y she does it. be honest!
ride that pony!!!!
don't diss your friend for her man...BROS BEFORE HOS, MAN!
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