Thursday, December 31, 2009

I need some advice on this girl. Help?

Well, I met her in September and we've become good friends. And I have had a HUGE crush on her. But, sometimes it seems like she's flirting with me or ignoring me. For example, at almost everything I say she laughs at when I'm trying to be funny even when it's not supposed to be. I know she doesn't like me, cause she's talked to me about who she likes. And then an example of ignoring me is after school is when she gives everyone a hug goodbye but not me. I don't care about the hug, but she doesn't even look at me when she leaves. The last time I went in to give her a hug, she backed away and left. And also, what should I do to be better friends with to maybe eventually turn into a relationship? Also, what should I do to let her know I really care? Any advice would help. By the way, she knows I like her.I need some advice on this girl. Help?
Wow, sounds like she likes you! Laughs at stuff that's not even funny. She may not hug you because she likes you so she feels weird hugging you and she talks about who she likes because that's what we do. She wants a reaction out of you. Hey, yes I could be wrong, but if I am right she wants to hear you comment back like, ';Oh, and the whole time I thought you wanted to date me!!'; and just start laughing as if it were a joke.I need some advice on this girl. Help?
Maybe she see's that you are really serious about her when she's not serious about you. In order for you to be in a relationship with this girl you will have to start out as being friends with her, then on to being good friends with her, then mayber yall will be more than friends.

If you want to make friends with her dont show her that your intrested her. Just be a cool person that someone will love to hang out with.
your statement[s] are confusing to me- if you are friends, why wouldn't she hug you? i think you shoud not fixate on this girl... perhaps you should explain your feelings in detail. good luck
Just let off a little and agree with her conversations she may not like you now but she may like you in the future so dont make it akward now.
i agree with Jen. move on to someone who deserves you.
just go with it ask her to the movies and then just talk to her see if she cares
im going through the same thing but i would be the girl

i like this guy

but im waiting for him to make the move

but im going to play hard to get

just to see how bad he wants me

so flirt with her

for a while

so you dont rush into things

and kinda of loose your game

and creep her out by asking her out too soon

then when she gets the idea that you wanna go out

( btw she'll get the hints if you flirt with her not in a friend way by making her laugh stuff not enough hints)

then you ask her out when you feel the time is right
well maybe that is just it. She knows you like her and she doesnt want to give you the wrong impression..... if she cant act nice as to even saying goodbye to you after class, then forget it. She isnt worth it, seems to be a little rude and stuck up...Find some one that is worth having as a friend.
ok i think if she's telling you about somebody she likes then she probably doesnt like you that way,but you can change that if you take a chance and tell her your true feelings..i know its scary but if u like her enough she will end up liking you back. and maybe sombody told her somthing about you thats not true maybe do some investigating best of luck!
The last sentence is why she doesn't hug you- she doesn't wish to encourage those feelings. Obviously she has to feel a little awkward whenever she is around you, knowing that you like her. She can't give you her full attention or make you feel too much like she cares about you.

She probably already knows that you care about her in a way that transcends friendship, so you probably don't need to mention anything, just be there for he when she needs it; good times or bad.
dude this is weird, im in the exact same situation... well what i am doing is every time i see her i dont act like i like her. just stay cool and dont say anything dumb. hope it helps
Maybe you should try mentioning your interactions with other females. Make sure she sees you with other females... that might raise her curiosity. Don't force yourself on her. That's a turn off.
When she laughs at your jokes, she feels comfortable being around you. she probably feels less stess. When she gives everyone else a hug and not you, she probably wants u to be jealous. also when she talks about someone else that she likes, she probably only wants you to be a little jealous. For now, just be good friends, then maybe later, there could be something else.
Well.. maybe the reason she's been acting strange to u is cuz she's SCARED of u... Maybe she just wanted to be friends, and she needs time to get used to the fact that u like her.... If you REALLY like her, give her some time, be funny, go on GROUP dates, and later, she will appreciate what a GREAT friend you are OK????????????
Talk to her to build your relationship. Thats what I did and I was just asked to the school dance by my best friend for 12 years! I thought the same thing... he doesnt like me but i am totally in LOVE with him and now we are practically going out! Try it and see if it works, but the only advice i can give you is to be a really good friend and dont act like you are in love with her... act as a friend! She will respect you for always being there for her and she might even end up liking you! Just be yourself and go with it! GOOD LUCK!!
read what you just wrot and I think you just helped yourself.. #1) check out her body language-not good;#2) may be this should be (1) when she talks of someone else you know you've lost.. retreat while you've still got your dignity..
kick her in her balls
U should take her at a place which she loves. Talk to her very nicely, in a good mood. And then be very frank and tell her whatever you observed, and ask her reason of her behavior, or any mistake that you have been done. If she will be true, she would for sure tell you everything she felt. This works. So, GOOD LUCK.
Some people laugh as more of a nervous habit than actually purposely laughing at something/someone.

You're the one who doesn't get hugged, because she wants to do more than hug you. You're special. She doesn't see you the way she sees her hug friends that she'll totally forget in a few years.

Ask her out on a date.
you sound like a good guy...

shes too conceited...

Its her loss...
I have a lot of friends with the same problem.

I am going to be honest, so im not trying to be mean but i know it's going to sound that way, so sorry ahead of time,

But you just have to find someone else...
Either she doesn't want to lead you on, or shes playing hard to get. You should have gone for the hard to get too, keep them guessing. My advice would be just to let it ride out, like, wait and see what happens, if she likes you then something will happen, thats just what happens when a guy and a grl like each other
When girls like a guy they will laugh at everything he says because she is trying to get on his good side ,but sometimes girls don't know what else to do,but laugh if they don't know what to say or are embarrassed etc. Also when she backs away to not give you a hug it just might be that she just doesn't feel comfortable giving you a hug quite then. It takes girls a pretty long time to warm up to someone if they are shy. Just give her, her space and go from there.

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