Friday, April 30, 2010

I need some serious advice on a girl?

There's this girl i like in my latin class, who was in my class last year and i liked her, and now shes in it again this year. i never had friends in this class, cuz theres only one latin class, and theres older kids and what not. the point is im really awkward in this class. I was last year too. So her perception of me could be that im a creeper . I've never talked to her before either.

Believe it or not, im really not that awkward of a kid, and i have some pretty popular friends some of whom i sit with at lunch, which she is also in. Whenever i see her outside of latin, i always try to make up for my awkwardness by making a scene with my popular friends and what not, compensating. Well, i think im just about in her league, and i think appearence wise she'd go for me. But i feel like such a loser when ever im around her, and i just freeze up. i have friends who are girls who i talk to, i guess it's a history i have with her for which i've always been shy and i can't seem to step out of that shadow. Any advice?I need some serious advice on a girl?
Just be yourself. Don't make a scene when you are with your popular friends. As a girl, I find that to be a bit ridiculous and it only makes you seem like you are starving for some attention. I need some serious advice on a girl?
have a mutual friend talk to her for you

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