Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Advice please for a serious broken girl?

My husband left me when I told him I was pregnant... what is really weird about this is that we were planning this pregnancy for over a year! We actually conceived on our first wedding anniversary!

For the last year he has been calling out ';ou est Aiden?'; when he comes in the door... just to leave?

He is Arabic and threatening to kill me because he says I am a salope who slept with other men... this is complete nonsense and a lie.

Why would he insist on hurting me?

Why does he say my child will be a bastard when it is his fault if the child has not father?

What can I do?

He also was violent with me when I told him I was pregnant... and he left without leaving me medical rights, money, passport etc.

He ****** me good!

And I am sick sick sick... but I cannot go to the doctor because he isn't with me and he has the cards! I have no money and he has left me to die.

What could I say?

What would you do?

Thanks... sorry for the dramaAdvice please for a serious broken girl?
But yet you have a computer and can post on yahoo answers.Advice please for a serious broken girl?
Are you Arbic also? if not then you shoulda done your research on how Arbic culutre are like, they tend to be more aggressive when it comes to situation like yours. There's nothing you can do except try to stay away from you and get a order against him because he threaten to kill you(that's pre-meditated murder).
Sorry about your situation but honestly that was a good thing he left. It sounds to me like this man is an a**. I know this is easier said than done, but dont be sad. It is a good thing he left because you dont want to be exposed to that and I am sure you wouldnt want your baby exposed to that type of behavior either.

Are you in the states? If so, go to Planned Parenthood.

Good Luck!
Oh My God!!!! If you leave to go find some kind of protection such as a shelter for battered women will he find you? There has got to be some kind of protection for people in your situation. You need to get medical attention right away, don't just sit at home and wait for him to come and go when he pleases. My prayers will be with you.
I would call the bank and report all of my cards stolen. I would call his parents and tell them what is going on. If your name is on the bank accounts, trapse your happy hind end to the bank and empty the accounts. MOVE OUT, MOVE ON. You will be ok. Call a crisis shelter if all else fails. You have a few months that will fly by to make a life for your child. File for divorce if you have to but you need to do what you need to do for you and your baby.

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