Friday, January 8, 2010

I need some advice regarding a girl.?

So, as I'm sure you gleaned from the title of my question, I have a strong attraction to a girl I'm friends with. I had to start it off without using the cliche ';SO I LIKE THIS GIRL.'; :D Anyways, I was going to ask her to prom, but she started avoiding me. And it was pretty harsh evasion. She wouldn't talk to me AT ALL. So I got over it. Moved on. Now, she texts me constantly, calls me alot, and talks to me incessantly. Basically, its the complete opposite of before. I don't want to get attached again, but I can feel it happening. I know she's not up to relationships at the moment (she's leaving for college pretty far off in a few months) and I just don't know how to handle the situation... Please help. email me if you need to.I need some advice regarding a girl.?
Ay man. I've been there and done that. You're still young, leave it alone. She just wants to be your friend, trust me. When she was avoiding you it was probably cause she had a feeling you wanted more. Thats what most young girls do when there's a problem, they run from it. Now she notices how much she missed you talking to her so she doesnt want to lose a friend. Be her friend but for now leave the girlfriend, prom, thing alone. She knows you want more so if she's down for it she'll talk to you about it. She'll give you a clear sign.I need some advice regarding a girl.?
Maybe for a while she needed space but then started to miss you :) You can still ask her to prom and have a great time without having a relationship and it would be a great last memory together before college
Well I would sit her down and just ask her what's up? See why she's calling so much, if she just thinks your a good friend, super, and if she really likes you double super. Don't just sit by and let her just go. And stay off the shrooms lol.
try being friends like close friends, and maybe she'll want to have a relationship after college.

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