Friday, January 8, 2010

I need some advice from a girl who isn't into PDA (public display of affection)?

I need some major help on what to do with my girlfriend since she isn't into PDA. First of all, when we first started going out, she said she wasn't into doing stuff like holding hands all the time and hugging goodbye at the bustop. She said that she wanted to have a mature relationship, which includes going on dates and talking a lot and other stuff. I'm not for sure if she mean't no PDA at school, or no PDA at all. She told that she really likes me and I think that we'll probobly make out soon. I just wanted to know if i shold go for holding her hand and doing other stuff on our dates, and if she'll ever roll around to holding hands at school.I need some advice from a girl who isn't into PDA (public display of affection)?
Well it really annoys me when I see PDA at school, I always think oh my gosh, GET A ROOM! She may come around to holding hands at school but probably nothing else. I'm not sure if she means just at school or everywhere. If it were me then I would only mean at school for the most part.I need some advice from a girl who isn't into PDA (public display of affection)?
No that makes sense what she said. Theres this couple or whatever you want to call them in my like group of friends and all they do it hold hands and kiss and like theyll leave us and do who knows what wherever they can. me and my two friends really regret going behind that shed playing manhunt..... anyway what im trying to say is that doing a lot of stuff our in public just looks bad. It depends on your age too. Like i say untill like later highschool i wont be like all over my girlfriend all the time and even then i dont think i will be, im too serious about her. Dont rush anything either. If she wants to hold your hand, shell hold your hand. If you respect what she said shell know that she has to be the one to do something like that.

Right now, me and my girlfriend talk from around 8pm to 3am and it goes soooo fast. We kiss but not all the time, and we hold hands and cuddle as she calls it and lay down next to eachother when were out or at people houses but nothing that looks slutty for her or perverted for me. Im only 15 but i love this girl - i have no doubt in my mind

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